Chapter 1. Socket Simulator

In this chapter, it describes about the function of Socket Simulator's initial view (the "Top View").

In this view, creates and deletes a socket. And, polls, lists sockets.

Creation a socket

With tapping socket, moves to the next view. You select protocol family, socket type, and protocol in the next view, then a new socket is created with calling socket(2).
The created sockets are listed in Top View.

No upper limit on the number of sockets that can be created.

Deletion a socket

With swiping left a row, close(2) is called to close the socket, then removes from the list.

Polling for sockets

With pulling down Top View, you can poll the status for all sockets.
In this polling, it calls poll(2) with POLLIN|POLLPRI|POLLOUT as request events and 0 seconds as timeout.

Listing sockets

It describes how to confirm the information and the status of socket in the list.


It changes depending on the status of socket.

RoleServer socket
Socket is waiting a connection request with calling listen(2).
Or, socket was created with accept(2).
Client socket
Other than those above.
I/O mode
Non-blocking mode
The file status flag of socket was set to O_NONBLOCK with fcntl(2).
Blocking mode
Other than those above.
status (*2)
Not connected
Status is Idle. Or, the socket is bound status with calling bind(2).
Waiting for connection request with calling listen(2).
Connect in progress
Waiting for completion of connection for the non-blocking socket.
Connect error
Error occurred in connection for the socket.
Connected (in full duplex)
Completion connect for the socket. Or, the socket was created with accept(2).
Receiver side of full duplex was shut down.
Sender side of full duplex was shut down.
All of full duplex were shut down.

 *1 When the app setting DESCRIPTION is enabled, the icon of I/O mode is displayed.
 *2 When the app setting AUTO MONITORING is enabled, the icon of connection status is displayed with SOCK_STREAM socket.

Socket address (Upper row)

If socket assigned an address, Src Address is displayed.
But, excepts a listening socket.

In Address, the pair of IP address and port (if PF_INET), or UNIX domain path (if PF_UNIX) is displayed.

Socket title

A title depending on the status of socket is displayed.

INET domain socketInitial state of AF_INET socket
UNIX domain socketInitial state of AF_UNIX socket
Dst AddressSocket is connected.
Src AddressSocket is listening.
Or, SOCK_DGRAM socket is assinged an address.

Socket parameters (Lower row 1)

The following informaiton is displayed.
When the app setting DESCRIPTION is enabled, this row is displayed.

Socket connection status (Lower row 2)

Connection status of the socket are displayed. This status interlocks the above icon.
When the app setting AUTO MONITORING is enabled, this row is displayed with SOCK_STREAM socket.

Connection statusIconDescription
IdleInitial status.
BoundAn address is bound to the socket.
ListeningWaiting for connection requests.
Connect in progressWaiting for completion of connecting.
Connect errorError occurred in connecting process.
The following error value is displayed as an additional information.

  Err#<errno number> <errno name>
ConnectedSocket is connected.
DisconnectSocket is disconnected.

Connection status transition diagram is as below.

TCP state (Lower row 3)

The state of TCP connection associated with a socket is displayed.
When the app setting AUTO MONITORING is enabled, this row is displayed with TCP socket (AF_INET socket of SOCK_STREAM type).

This state is displayed based on the values of parameter tcpi_state obtained TCP_CONNECTION_INFO option.
See RFC#793 or internet public site for details.


TCP traffic (Lower rows 4 - 6)

The amount of incoming data and outgoing data in packet transfer via a socket are displayed.
When the app setting AUTO MONITORING is enabled, it is displayed with TCP socket other than CLOSED, LISTEN status.

The value of the following parameters obtained TCP_CONNECTION_INFO option is displayed.

Data size in incoming traffic (bytes / packets)
Data size in outgoing traffic (bytes / packets)
Retransmitted data size in outging traffic (bytes / packets)

TCP RTT (Lower row 7)

The RTT (milisecond accuracy) in TCP communication are displayed.
When the app setting AUTO MONITORING is enabled, it is displayed with TCP socket other than CLOSED, LISTEN status.

The value of the following parameters obtained TCP_CONNECTION_INFO option is displayed.

Round TripParameterDescription
Average RTTtcpi_srttAverage time of RTT (seconds)
Recent RTTtcpi_rttcurMost recent time of RTT (seconds)

Events bitmask (Lower row 8)

The bit mask of response events by polling are displayed.
If there are some events, the corresponding event bit is highlighted.
This information is utilized due to confirm the presence of incoming data, error, etc.

Three types of polling are available in this app.